Too many subscriptions in your inbox?

Time for spring cleaning! Cleanbox will aggregate all of your subscriptions and let you cancel them in one click.

It's free and it works with Gmail.

Spring cleaning

You can cancel subscriptions as they come, but let’s be honest - you didn't open your email client to manage subscriptions. You opened it to get work done. Subscriptions are just getting in the way.

Instead, sit down every few weeks to do a little spring cleaning with Cleanbox. It aggregates all of your subscriptions and lets you unsubscribe one by one.

Unsubscribe, archive, done.

Once you’ve unsubscribed, you can archive all related emails by clicking the archive button. It takes literally two clicks to clean up: First, unsubscribe, then archive everything from that sender and never see any more annoying "newsletters".

Cleanbox doesn't use any 3rd party servers. It runs on your Mac where you wanna keep your data private. It never deletes anything, only archives emails - so you get find them if you change your mind.

Who made this?

Lukas Prokein - Engineering, UX He studies computer science while building Mac, iOS and Android apps. He’s also looking for an internship this summer! WebsiteTwitterEmail

Vojtech Rinik - Idea, Marketing Indie app developer who made FocusList and other productivity apps. Currently working on WebsiteTwitterEmail